Jumat, 23 Juli 2010

this is me, then...

I am a weird man who is always feel lonely.

I didn't ask to be understood, 'cause I myself couldn't understand mine.

I just want to be accepted, accepted without conditions.

I don't want to be told what my flaws are and what kind of my future is.

I didn't want to be told that I have wasted my life with trivial things for them, but not for me.

I always question my existence and meaning of my life, whether this is real and why I'm experiencing it.

I'm happy 'cause I'm different from them.

But I'm also sad 'cause of those differences.

Sometimes I feel lonely in crowded room, and sometimes I get upset and cry.

But sometimes I'm often laughing incessantly.

They told me to be myself, then be told what I should be like and what I should be done.

I prefer to write my heart than to reveal it.

I don't know what life mean but I'm trying to guess it.

Please don't try to understand me or judge me too quickly.

My life isn't important, but my heart is open.

and this is me...

Kamis, 22 Juli 2010


Aku terbius dalam duniaku,
Mencicipi pahit manis asam garam,

Sendirian aku coba berjuang,

Sedikit asa pun tak bisa ku ungkapkan...

Aku tersesat dan aku hilang,
Tak bisa temukan arah jalan,

Walau dalam cahaya terang benderang,

Tapi aku harus terus bertahan...

Tanpa ku sadari aku tlah terpisah,
Tertinggal jauh dari kehidupan,

Dan ketika ku terjaga kelak,

Aku masih sendiri tanpa kawan...

I was sedated in my world,
Taste the bitter sweet sour salt,
I try to struggle alone,
I can't express
even a little discouraged...

I'm lost and I lost,
I can't find the way back home,
though under the bright light,
but I have to survive...

I don't realize that I've been separated,
Left far away from life,
And when I woke up one day,
I'm still alone without a friend ...

Rabu, 21 Juli 2010

with you...

Flown me to the sky, to the place,
where I couldn't reach the high...

Drown me to the ocean, to the place,

where I could feel twisted in tight...

Take me to the nowhere,

where nobody could find me...

Take me from the despair...

Take me from the pain inside me...

You can take me anywhere you wish,
cause I'll be there wherever you are

Rabu, 14 Juli 2010

Guardian Angel

If someday the whole things become your enemy,

I'll let you hide behind me.

World is such a crude game,

that'd put your fame into shame.

I won't be able to protect you forever,

You have to be stronger.

Dont let every small thing,

hold your wing from flying.

And later when I'm about to die,

I don't wanna see you cry.

(Ditenun by Umi Tursini @ fb)

Sabtu, 03 Juli 2010

Sajak Pertama, Bumi itu Hitam

Bumi itu hitam,
Manusia hadir memberi warna,
Kadang merah membara,
Juga biru kelabu,
Atau kuning mengering,
Tapi semuanya hanyalah fana...

Saat langit mulai gelap,
dan matahari tak lagi menatap,
Manusia mulai tersesat,
Kehilangan arah dalam pekat,
Suasana hening-nya malam tak lagi mencekam,
Kini gemerlap bintang bertaburan di jalanan,

Tak ada lagi warna warni merona,
Semua telah melebur dalam kegelapan,
Menghilang dalam kelam,
Terdiam menatap dalam kegelisahan,
Ketakutan menusuk tanpa celah,
Karena bumi telah menelannya dalam hitam...